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Remember, Mr Sharma

A. P. Firdaus

23 May 2024 All day

Delhi, 1997: It is India’s fiftieth year of independence, the year of Hindu nationalists and atomic bombs. But twelve-year-old Adi has a bigger problem: his Ma has gone missing – again. Left with an ailing grandmother, a raging father and no answers, he finds an unlikely ally: a talking vulture who reveals itself to be a bureaucrat from the Department of Historical Adjustment. The Department holds Adi’s family files, which will take him on a journey through time and memory, through fifty years of India’s history, uncovering the darkest secrets of his Ma’s past. But first, he must unlock them by facing his greatest fears.

As bright and hopeful as it is devastating, Remember, Mr Sharma explores the ways in which we view the past, its inescapable hold over us and the stories we tell to set ourselves free.

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